This Month's Article
Helpful Resources for Parents

Give Serve Love
Let’s Help Kids in Our Community
We want every kid in our community to know that God loves them and we do too. One simple way is to make sure every child in our community has snacks at school.
So pick up a Give Serve Love shopping bag outside of Waumba Land and take your kids to the store to help you fill it up with snacks. It's as easy as "Snack, Pack, Bring It Back!"
Snack: Buy snack packs of healthy snacks for kids to have at school. Let your kids help choose their favorite snacks! (Please, no nuts or candy, and keep snack packs in their original packaging so schools can see the expiration dates on the boxes!)
Pack: Fill your Give, Serve, Love bag with the snacks.
Bring it Back: Drop off your snack bag at North Point Community Church by Sunday, October 1.
Suggested Snacks to Pack:
- Applesauce pouches
- Baked chips
- Fruit cups in water (not syrup)
- Granola bars
- Popcorn
- Protein bars
- Raisins
- Veggie straws
- Whole grain snacks (pretzels, crackers)