Community Groups
Experience for yourself why we say life is better connected.

Your faith needs friends.
Sign up for a text notification when group registration opens.
God uses other people to both enrich our lives and grow our faith.
We’ve made it easy for you to find a group of people to share life and faith together. We have groups for men, women, married couples, newlyweds, empty nesters, and young adults.
Here’s how you can join a group:
- Find a group that’s right for you from a list of available groups. Groups registration occurs twice each year in January and August.
- Register for your selected group online.
- Meet your new group at your first group meeting.
Join a group and see why we say that life is better connected.
Sign up for a reminder when online registration for Groups opens in January 2024.
Community Groups are small groups of eight to twelve individuals of the same gender or five to seven married couples who meet in homes or online.
Groups commit to share life and faith together. A great group includes time for both relational connection and studies that challenge members to grow spiritually. A typical group meeting will consist of social time, study, and prayer.
Groups typically meet for 1 year, about 3 times per month, for 1.5 to 2 hours. Most groups take breaks during the holidays and summer.
Most groups meet in homes and are formed based on the leader’s location. The majority of groups meet in areas close to the church. Once group registration opens, you can filter by area of town to find a group close to you.
We offer Community Groups for married couples, men, and women. Groups are available for various stages of life, with morning and evening options.
We also offer groups specifically for those in their twenties.
We offer other three- to eight-week groups throughout the year, including divorce recovery groups, exploring faith groups, and care groups.
Group members will need to make arrangements for childcare during group meetings. We provide a financial supplement (at a predetermined rate) for childcare expenses incurred to attend regular group meetings.
Group registration happens online twice a year, in January and August. When it opens, you’ll have the opportunity to register for the group that best fits your schedule.
Sign up for a text reminder when online registration for groups opens.
New group opportunities will be available in January 2024. Sign up for a reminder to register online:

Curious about group leadership?
Group Leaders create a place for people to talk about life and grow their faith.
We’ve made it easy for you to lead. We’ll provide weekly studies, ideas for socials, and support you as you lead.
Take a step and see how God can use you to make space for people to connect and grow.
Not sure where to start?
Let us know and we can help!