This Month's Articles
Helpful Resources for Parents

Here is how your family can GIVE SERVE LOVE
Snack, Pack, Bring It Back!
We want every kid in our community to know that God loves them and we do too. One simple way is to make sure every child in our community has snacks at school. So take your kids to fill a Give Serve Love shopping bag. It's as easy as "Snack, Pack, Bring It Back!"
Buy snack packs of healthy snacks for kids to have at school. Let your kids help choose their favorite snacks for the bag. Please no nuts or candy and keep snack packs in their original packaging so schools can see the expiration dates on the boxes.
Fill your Give Serve Love bag with the snacks.
Return the bag to church by Sunday, October 1.
Give Serve Love bags are available on UpStreet.
Suggested snacks to pack:
- Applesauce pouches
- Baked chips
- Fruit cups in water (not syrup)
- Granola bars
- Popcorn
- Protein bars
- Raisins
- Veggie Straws
- Whole grain snacks (pretzels, crackers)

UpStreet's Verse Cling
Learn it, Lock it, Live it.
Learning a verse together as a family can be a powerful thing. You’re the most important person in their lives. So if you make learning God’s Word a big deal, they won’t ever forget it!
LEARN IT: Put this cling (arrow to the cling) somewhere your family will see it every day. (Refrigerator, window, backdoor, mirror)
LOCK IT: Test your skills at stoplights! Every time the light turns red, have everyone in the 🚙 try to say the verse from memory. Hurry before the🚦turns green!
LIVE IT: Help your kids learn that if they want to be trusted with the big stuff, God says it starts with giving 💯 percent to the little stuff. So do your best each day!
Verse clings available on UpStreet.

UpStreet's Car Tag
Make time in the car matter.
We know great conversations can happen in the car. So, hang this car tag in your car to help your kids know that God says trust is something that grows. If we want to be trusted with a lot, we need to do our best with what we got!
Car tags available on UpStreet.

Jump Start
Teaching kids about a relationship with Jesus
Have you and your kids experienced Jump Start? Jump Start is a 20-minute presentation where parents and kids learn what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. It’s designed to help parents jump start a conversation about faith.